Stephanie Wright BSN, RN


Stephanie A. Wright, BSN, RN

Stephanie Wright is a registered nurse and dedicated writer. She writes articles about various health and wellness topics, including mental health, women’s health, and parenting. As a nurse, Stephanie has seen firsthand the impact of high-quality healthcare and is passionate about educating others.

She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Communication Studies from the University of Louisville. She keeps up with the latest health research as an active healthcare professional. Stephanie is also featured in Medical News Today, Healthline, Psych Central, and Greatist.

Medical Expert On

  • Mental Health
  • Women's Health
  • Psychology
  • Parenting

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Stephanie Wright BSN, RN

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Stephanie A. Wright, BSN, RN

Dr. Loy Anderson combines her 25 years’ experience in western medicine with the innovative and intuitive power of functional medicine to provide the best of both worlds.

After treating chronic disease for decades, she noticed her patients never really got well. While traditional medical care is excellent at dealing with acute care and health emergencies, Dr. Anderson started to observe holes in the approach.

In 2010, after experiencing burnout, she learned that to care for others, she must first care for herself wholly — physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental — the essence of functional medicine.

After attending a conference called “Heal Thy Practice” in 2015, she was again led to functional medicine and decided to commit her career to the cause. Loy says, “I will never forget the first day at that training; I felt like a parched traveler who had stumbled on an oasis and could drink my fill!”

In May of 2017, she opened the doors of her practice, Thriven Functional Medicine, equipped with the tools to help people achieve radiant, vibrant health.

Dr. Anderson is passionate about educating and has lectured on women’s health, stress management, hormones, brain health, and of course, sleep.

Medical Expert On

  • Women’s Health
  • Stress Management
  • Hormones
  • Brain Health
  • Brain Health
  • Women’s Health
  • Stress Management
  • Hormones
  • Hormones
  • Brain Health
  • Women’s Health
  • Stress Management
  • Stress Management
  • Hormones
  • Brain Health
  • Women’s Health